Diamond Anatomy & Cut Quality
It is important to know about the anatomy of a diamond to understand the quality of diamonds in a given piece of jewelry. The goal is to find a diamond that is not too shallow, and not too deep. A well-balanced diamond looks the best as shown below.
Learning about Diamonds: Remember the 4 C’s
Diamond clarity refers to the number of inclusions and blemishes found in the diamond. The range is Flawless (FL) at best and goes all the way down to I3 which is the lowest possible quality. A quality diamond will have the least number of blemishes possible.
A diamond’s cut is comprised of the shape of the diamond and the visual effect it creates. This has a direct correlation with how the diamond sparkles. An important aspect to take note of is the pavillion depth. A diamond must have a proper pavillion depth that is neither too deep or too shallow.
Diamond color is especially important to the quality of the diamond. The key to great diamond color is actually to have the least amount of color. You want as little yellowing as possible. You want it to be as clear as possible.
Carat (Size)
Carat weight is how much a diamond weighs. This factor is combined with the other factors such as color, cut and clarity to determine the diamond’s value. A large diamond with low clarity will be worth much less than the same diamond with high clarity.
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